If you use Terra Dotta software (TDS) to manage your study abroad enrollments, you can still use Abroad101 as your program evaluation tool. While managing the full lifecycle of applications with Terra Dotta, Abroad 101 adds the ability to oversee the publishing of student reviews, summary reporting, and the ability to compare ratings from your students against those at other institutions.
While these are two distinct systems, here is a creative way to make them work together. Each Abroad101 review has a unique serial number that is provided to the student upon completion of the review. We recommend that you create a Terra Dotta returnee phase questionnaire instructing students to go to Abroad101, complete their review, and then return to TDS to enter the serial number into the questionnaire. This way you provide the instructions and store the proof that the student completed their review within the Terra Dotta system. You can even report on which students have or haven’t completed reviews.
To get things started, you create a query watch to notify on all students entering the returnee phase. This email will instruct students to login, go to their application home page, and complete the questionnaire. The questionnaire will have a link to start the Abroad101 review where the student will need to register. This is so the student can come back and complete the review at a later time if necessary. Registration on Abroad101 is pretty easy: first name, last name, email address, home institution, and program name. The link to start the review is: http://www.studyabroad101.com/reviews/new
Having the students enter their review serial number in TDS means you’ll have a link between the two systems, allowing you to associate the student review with the student’s TDS application. As a university administrator you’ll have the ability to manage the review process in your Abroad101 dashboard and use the reporting tools, including exporting of the reviews, into a spreadsheet.
Below are two suggested messages: the email message to be sent through a Query Watch and instructions for the returnee phase questionnaire.
A) To start the process, create a query watch. This query should find students in the returnee phase. Set the query to run every day and to act on “IN” applications (deselect “out” and “all”). Configure the query watch to send an email to the records found in the search, with a message similar to this:
Dear Student,
Welcome back from your experience abroad. The next step in your return to campus is to complete a program evaluation through a system called Abroad101.
When you log into your study abroad application [provide link to login screen], you find a questionnaire that links you to the Abroad101 website where you will register. This will guide you through 37 questions that are designed to collect feedback on your experience as well as help document the impact the experience had on you. The process will take some time and will require you to think deeply about your time abroad. Your review will be published on the Abroad101 website and will become its own webpage and a place for you to share your experience with others.
At the end of the survey, the Abroad101 website will provide you with a serial number that you will then enter into the questionnaire on your application home page and that will mark this required step as complete at the university.
Click this link to log into your application to start the process:
B) Text on Questionnaire instructions page (note that you will need to include the HTML in the bottom line of this text because questionnaire instructions do not utilize a WYSIWYG editor):
Welcome back from your experience abroad. The next step in your return to campus is to complete a program review/evaluation through a system called Abroad101.
The link below will take you to the Abroad101 website where you will enter your email address and the name of the program you attended. As a reminder, you can see the formal program name at the top of your application home page.
You will be guided through 37 questions that are designed to collect feedback on your experience as well as help document the impact the experience had on you. The process will take some time and will require you to think deeply about your time abroad. Your review will be published on the Abroad101 website and will become its own webpage and a place for you to share your experience with others.
At the end of the survey, the Abroad101 website will provide you with a serial number that you will then enter in the box below which will link the review/evaluation to your university account.
Click this link to start the survey process
Please don’t hesitate to contact us regarding setting up an account Abroad101 or more details on the review process.
Mark Shay | mark@abroad101.com
As a disclaimer, this is a promotional effort of Abroad101 and not any formal endorsement of Abroad101 by Terra Dotta, nor a TDS system enhancement nor a recommended course of action by TDS.